Cayman Islands
David CHIU, Tan Sri Dato', B.Sc.
(Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Cheong Thard HOONG, B. ENG., ACA
Dennis CHIU, B.A.
Craig Grenfell WILLIAMS, B. ENG. (CIVIL)
Wing Kwan Winnie CHIU, BBS, JP
Jennifer Wendy CHIU
Kwong Siu LAM
Wai Hon Ambrose LAM
Lai Him Abraham SHEK (Alias: Abraham Razack)
Wing Kwan Winnie CHIU, BBS, JP
Jennifer Wendy CHIU
Wai Hung Boswell CHEUNG
David CHIU
Wai Hung Boswell CHEUNG
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Certified Public Accountants
Hong Kong
JTC (Cayman) Limited
P.O. Box 30745
94 Solaris Avenue
2nd Floor, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman KY1-1203
Cayman Islands
16th Floor, Far East Consortium Building,
121 Des Voeux Road Central,
Hong Kong
Tricor Standard Limited
17/F., Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong
Ordinary Shares (Code: 035)
7.375% USD Senior Guaranteed Perpetual Capital Notes issued by FEC Finance Limited (Code: 5781)
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited