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HKEx: 0035

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Closing Share Price on 28 Jun 2024


  • Stock Code

    Ordinary Shares (Code: 035)

  • Listing Date

    21 Sep 1972

  • Listing Venue

    Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

  • Nominal Value

    HKD0.10 per share

  • Registered Office

    JTC (Cayman) Limited
    P.O. Box 30745
    94 Solaris Avenue
    2nd Floor, Camana Bay
    Grand Cayman KY1-1203
    Cayman Islands

  • Share Registrar

    Tricor Standard Limited
    17/F., Far East Finance Centre
    16 Harcourt Road
    Hong Kong

  • Website(s)
  • Dissemination of Corporation Communications

    English and Chinese versions of the Corporate Communications of the Company are available on the Company’s website (the “Company’s Website”) and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) at (the “Stock Exchange’s Website”, together with the Company’s Website, the “Websites”). Shareholders and investors who wish to be notified of the Corporate Communications published by the Company may also subscribe for the E-mail Alert service on the Company’s Website.

    Shareholders who have elected (or are deemed to have consented) to receive Corporate Communications by the Websites version instead of a printed form, a notification of the posting of the relevant Corporate Communications on the Company’s Website will be sent to the shareholders by email (if email addresses have been provided) or by post.

    For any reason, a shareholder has difficulty in accessing the Websites version or wishes to receive printed copies of such Corporate Communications, the Company or the Company’s Share Registrar will promptly upon written request send the printed form free of charge.

    Shareholders may at any time by reasonable notice (of not less than 7 days) in writing to the Company’s Share Registrar by post or by hand at the above address or by email to to (i) change to receive future Corporate Communications in printed form# instead of the Websites version, or by the Websites version instead of in printed form, or (ii) change the language in which they receive Corporate Communications in printed form.

    # The instruction will be valid only for one year starting from the receipt date of instruction.